Saturday, July 3, 2010

Start Saving Henry! by Nancy Carlson

Start Saving Henry!
by Nancy Carlson

I loved reading this well written book. Many adults should read this book too... as Henry is not alone in spending his money as soon as he earns it... Trying to save and unforseen events that will come along and rip into your savings.........

A young mouse named Henry turns seven years old and starts receiving a $5.00 per week allowance for "making his bed, picking up his clothes, hanging up his wet towels, and setting the table."

"But every time Henry got his allowance, he couldn't wait to spend it all."

Sound familiar???????????

Henry buys giant jawbreakers, a huge pencil, a session with a fortune teller... but ... one day he saw something that he really wanted to buy.....


It cost $30 and Henry had already spent his allowance money and so he couldn't afford to buy his heart's desire.......

Henry had to learn a lesson on how instant gratification can cause you to be broke and not have enough money....... He had to learn about delated gratification......

How many adults are like Henry? Instant gratification vs. delayed gratification..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Henry implements delayed gratification and begins saving his weekly allowance... b

"Heny, sometimes saving means not buying something, even if you really want it," said Dad.

However, little unexpected things pop up that take Henry's money away... like having to pay for a lost library book? Wanting to buy mom a special present for her birthday...... Sound familiar?

One day Henry had almost $30 saved for his Super Robot Dude and grandma arrived bearing a gift for Henry...

Want to guess what the surprise gift was for Henry????????

You will have to read the book for the answer...

I recommend this book for young children to start learning the benefits of saving... for a rainy day and delayed gratification.... Adults should enjoy the story as well.

Add this gem to your home, school, and public library collections!

Until the next time........

Happy reading........

A children's book a day, keeps the scary monster away!

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