Saturday, September 5, 2015

If You Plant a Seed - Words and Paintings by Kadir Nelson

If You Plant a Seed 

Words and Paintings by Kadir Nelson

If you plant a carrot seed.. a carrot will grow. If you plant a cabbage seed of kindness ... or selfishness?

Once in a while there is a book that is so well written and the pictures are so spectacular that you just can't put it down... You find yourself looking at it over and over and over again... Such is the case for Kadir Nelson's new book "If You Plant a Seed!" In this delightfully created book, a rabbit and bunny plant seeds and nurture them and they grow... before they know it... As they are enjoying the plush rich fruits of their labor... Guess who come to eat?

They have a host of birds fly in to share their newly grown treats.....

Guess what happens?

You will have to read the book for the rest of the story....

I have shared this book with so many adults and children...

It just brings a wide smile to my face every time that I pick up the book!

The pictures are so realistic that you feel like you are there sharing in the activities... whether good or bad...You know immediately what emotion each animal is conveying.

Nelson's pictures are so breathtakingly gorgeous, and rich!!!!!! The details for each animal are very  accurate and awe-inspiring! I was so shocked and mesmerized by the beauty of this book that I wanted more and so I went to his web site and have been sharing the link to others ever since.

This book is a must read for anyone who loves children's books. This is one of the best of the bunch that I have ever read.

I highly recommend this book to all homes, school, public, private, and day care libraries! You won't be disappointed. This book will bring a smile to everyone's face... young and old alike!!!!!!!!!!

Check out Kadir Nelson's  personal web site... His paintings will take your breath away!!!!!! Here's the link:

Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until the Next Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Children's Book a Day, Keeps the Scary Monster Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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